Vocation to priestly life is an initiative coming wholly from the Heavenly Father to be configured to Christ and His footsteps. Those who are called and chosen are invited to give a positive response with absolute and exclusive devotion. This call implies a transformation, a consecration and mission, a setting apart for God and His concerns alone. Sometimes, like the rich young man in the Gospel, many young people show a deaf ear to God's call. Call consciousness is crucial to understand the vocation the best. ‘A true priestly religious vocation is not established so much by some inner feeling or devout attraction, but rather by a right intention in the aspirant together with a combination of physical, intellectual and moral qualities which make him fit for such a state of life’. (Pope Pius XI, Ad Catholici Sacerdotii (On the Catholic Priesthood).

You are cordially invited to the Order of Carmelites, if you have a sense of humor, spacious perception, frankness, resilience, and are seized by a burning love to configure yourself to Christ after the model of Prophet Elijah. We are engaged in various socially valuable realms like: Youth Programs, Mission Work, Spiritual Formation for Children, Home for the Aged, Retreat Centers, Parish Ministry, Evangelization through Mass Media, Education Ministry, etc.

If you wish to know us closer, contact our Vocation Promoter.

The Vocation Promoter Carmel Sadan, Chettupuzha P.O, Thrissur DT, Kerala, India 686 621 Ph: 09496455579
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Answering The Call !! Who is Considering a Vocation to Consecrated Life

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